Smart college students prehydrate before a weekend of binge drinking.Your second new word is foresmell.
- John Ashcroft, U.S. Surgeon General
Jay, you can not foresmell my farts! - Me, Your AnarchestratorOf course, the addition of the word foresmell to our lexicon raises new questions in the age-old debate over free will vs. predestination. Colin's Law (first proposed in 1923 by the great physicist, Colin Brown) states that he who smelt it, dealt it. But we must now ask, if one foresmells it, can one prevent the dealing of it? More research is needed.
A Humble Agitator.
When I obliterate my Self, I reform.
My favorite word is "minimum."
My favorite flavor is "creamy."
I am the color of a prairie slope glistening in the light of daybreak - the sound of a gypsy wedding - and the nature of a well-told tall-tale.
I am the creation of myself.
I am what I have been waiting for all along.
My blog is worth $3,387.24.
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