Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The English language now has two new words, fully defined and ready to be used in sentences (and Anarchestra-rules Scrabble), invented by me, Your Anarchestrator. (You're welcome!)

They don't appear in Webster's (or any other dictionary) yet. So, you could be the first on your block to use them! How does it feel to be included on the cutting-edge of lexicography?

The first word is prehydrate.

Pronunciation: pri-'hI-"drAt
Function: verb
:the act of hydrating in advance of an expected dehydration.

Prehydrating is a preventive measure, and could be used in a sentence like the following misquote:
Smart college students prehydrate before a weekend of binge drinking.
- John Ashcroft, U.S. Surgeon General
Your second new word is foresmell.

Pronunciation: fOr-'smel
Function: transitive verb
:to smell beforehand
FORESMELL applies to the smelling of the coming of a future aroma by any procedure or any source of information.

Foresmelling is a form of prophecy, if you will - to smell into the future. I might use it in a sentence like the following quote:
Jay, you can not foresmell my farts! - Me, Your Anarchestrator
Of course, the addition of the word foresmell to our lexicon raises new questions in the age-old debate over free will vs. predestination. Colin's Law (first proposed in 1923 by the great physicist, Colin Brown) states that he who smelt it, dealt it. But we must now ask, if one foresmells it, can one prevent the dealing of it? More research is needed.

Now, your assignment is to use these new words in active conversation, either written or verbal, at least once in the coming week. This is your duty as an Anarchestra-teer. You may report back to me, in the comments section of this post, how you used the new words. For using one of the words, I will award you 200 points and 1 silver crescent. For using both words, I will award you 500 points and 3 golden sno-cones! So get to yammerin'!

So far, this post has made 2 people think of something to say. COMMENT.

"I foresmell a rat!"
"You're really Prehydrating a lot with that milk there mister. I presmell a violent aftermath."
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Matty G
Your Anarchestrator

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

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My favorite flavor is "creamy."

I am the color of a prairie slope glistening in the light of daybreak - the sound of a gypsy wedding - and the nature of a well-told tall-tale.

I am the creation of myself.

I am what I have been waiting for all along.

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