Thursday, July 21, 2005
I took a dumb religion quiz, to see how it would try to peg me. It was dumb because the questions were poorly worded and leading. I don't encourage you to take it.

But here was my result:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Spending your entire life searching various forms of philosophy and religion, you choose to observe everything and believe little. You're personality is one of truth seeking, nature respecting and god/goddess accepting. Lastly, you don't judge anyone, but if annoyed, you will exact some form of revenge. You don't believe in the Three-Fold Law.

I don't even know what the Three-Fold law is... and I'm real sure I'm not a pagan. But the funny thing is, that description otherwise pegs me pretty damn spot on.

So, while I'm thinking about it, what do I believe? Well, I'm of the belief that it doesn't matter what you believe.

Religion, for me, is a way of making sense of the universe and how it works - and a way to understand my place in it. In other words, it is an attempt to understand an ultimate Truth that fully incorporates everything, from nothing (zero) to myself (one) to everything (infinity). But I think that there is a truth for everyone, and that truth is an individual truth, and that there are as many truths as there are living beings in this world. Your Truth lies in your heart, and only you can know it. Your Truth holds the secret of who you are and your place in the universe.

Truth/God/Self - that is the trinity I believe in.

Why do I believe this? Because for most of my life I held beliefs I learned from others. I believed things that were so untrue for me, to believe them was to believe there was no place in this universe for me. I searched for answers, but in looking to others, there were no answers, just the confirmation that the world had no place for me - unless I changed. And I tried. And I prayed, because that's what I was told to believe in. But I didn't change.

And when I had lost hope completely, I heard a voice. And for the first time, I listened to it. It asked me, "Why do you question my creation? Do you think I have not made you exactly how I want you to be? Look inside yourself and know the Truth. Trust that I have made you good. Accept my creation, and learn to love it. Stop killing yourself trying to change, and be what I've made you to be, and know that it is beautiful."

That voice was my Truth speaking to me. The voice of God, that voice was my own voice, inside me. For I am the creation of my Self, and it is all I have to trust in. So I stopped listening to others, and started listening to my self, trusting what I knew in my heart.

My entire life changed. Things began to make sense, and I discovered what it felt like to be happy. Gradually, through much difficulty, I was able to accept love and the idea that people could love me (I mean, the real me, not the person I had pretended to be for two dozen years). Eventually, I was able to feel and express love myself.

The truth was inside me all along. And I don't question it any more. It is what I know is right, for me. And I know that is all that matters.

There aren't words for my ultimate Truth. I can't express, describe, or verbalize mine for anyone else to wholly understand. Just as a photograph can not capture the experience of standing on a warm beach under a blazing sunset, you can't tell your Truth to someone else, or take someone else's for your own. Too much is lost in the transfer - and the more you try to record, rewrite, translate, and study the truths of others, the farther from your Truth you actually stray. I could photograph my sunset for you to view, and you could make a photocopy for someone else, and eventually there would be nothing even remotely recognizable about my sunset anymore.

So, it doesn't matter what I believe. I have been guided - by my Truth, God, my Self - to simply trust what I know. So I trust the Truth within me, and be. That's how I share my sunset.

Take the quiz, if you must: "WHAT RELIGION BESTS SUITS YOU?"

(If you think I'm going to Hell, please send me $100. Thank you.)

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Matty G
Your Anarchestrator

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

A Humble Agitator.

When I obliterate my Self, I reform.

My favorite word is "minimum."
My favorite flavor is "creamy."

I am the color of a prairie slope glistening in the light of daybreak - the sound of a gypsy wedding - and the nature of a well-told tall-tale.

I am the creation of myself.

I am what I have been waiting for all along.

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